2nd Workshop on Ethics and Regulatory Issues

23 September, 2020

The Institute of Medical Bioethics and History of Medicine (IBME) of the University of Zurich hold the second session of the webinar on ethical and regulatory issues that are relevant for the implementation of the IPC cloud-based data catalogue portal.
We would like to thank you very much for your participation in the first session and hope that the topics for this session were also of interest to you.
In this second and final session, we addressed relevant topics for the IPC project in the fields of animal ethics and informed consent.
The session was opened by Dr. Deborah Mascalzoni (Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics, Uppsala University), who discussed how to obtain informed consent from minors and how to implement a model of dynamic consent for the IPC project. The webinar was closed with the presentation of Dr. Matthias Eggel (IBME, UZH), who addressed how to deal with ethical issues when working with chimera mice.

– Presentation of Dr. Deborah Mascalzoni (Centre of Research Ethics & Bioethics, Uppsala University):
“Upside down – How new approaches to consent could help science in being more efficient”

– Presentation of Dr. Dr. Matthias Eggel (Institue for Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine, University of Zurich):
“Ethical Aspects of (Animal) Research – Introduction to the concepts of Necessity, Appropriateness and Proportionality”